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Find the 250k


By 2020, it is estimated that approximately 250,000 Americans will have served as Peace Corps volunteers. As of today, the current number hovers around 230,000, according to Peace Corps’ official website. Find the 250k is a community-driven initiative that seeks to locate, by country, all current and former Peace Corps Volunteers through coordinating specifically with country-affiliate groups on how they might best be able to pursue their own Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV) search.

Establishing Communities. Because we understand supporting communities requires collaboration, we are committed to helping country-affiliate groups build the infrastructure and capacity of their organization to locate all of their RPCVs. Not only are we able to send you a comprehensive data list of RPCVs from your country, but we are also offering support for database management and membership outreach through our all-in-one web resource. Web resources, such as NPCA’s Community Building Platform (Silkstart), offer technological support to groups for database management, membership outreach, and website design. Community-developed resources, such as the tools listed to the right, ensure sustainability and connects groups with each other to create and maintain more complete membership databases.

Increasing Impact. Country-affiliate groups with a clear, defined purpose are more likely to effect change on causes that matter to their country of service. More active country-affiliate groups help support and develop geographical groups, similar to a trickle down effect. Complete membership databases allow RPCVs to reconnect and stay connected with members from their cohort.

Upcoming Events & Webinars

Talking about Data with your Members (Date and time: TBA)
As more leaders begin using the NPCA data list to start/build their membership database, understanding how to discuss your organizational mission, why you are contacting the RPCV, and what their information may be used for, including sharing with NPCA, will be crucial. For this webinar, we will have different affiliate group “gurus” share their advice. Presenters: TBD

Hosting a Country-of-Service Reunion (Date and time: TBA)
Because RPCV reunions were key in helping start and continue a majority of affiliate campaigns, this webinar will explore hosting a reunion as a sourcing event in and of itself. The webinar will focus primarily on: logistics/feasibility, brainstorming ideas, and methods for collecting information to be included in a membership database, such as setting up a small table for people to help identify “missing” RPCVs.


Missed our “Tips of Trade” project launch? Click here for the webinar recording and PPT presentation slides!


For general inquiries or for information about getting started, please contact our Community Development Fellow, Moriah, at [email protected]

For questions regarding NPCA’s Community Building Platform (SilkStart), please visit this page or contact our Community Technology Systems Coordinator, Ella, at [email protected]

Trivia & Fun Facts

How many questions can you answer? (answers at the bottom of the page)*

Question 1

Name the FIVE countries of service with the most Returned Peace Corps Volunteers (RPCV). This includes all active, suspended, and past countries.

Question 2

Name the THREE countries of service with the fewest number of RPCVs. This includes all active, suspended, and past countries.

Question 3

Approximately what percentage of volunteers are currently serving in the Eastern Europe and Central Asia region? The South American region?

*Based on data from Peace Corps’ official website.

  1. Philippines (9159 volunteers), Ecuador (6401 volunteers), Honduras (5750 volunteers), Thailand (5407 volunteers), Kenya (5155 volunteers)
  2. Sudan (8 volunteers), Myanmar (14 volunteers), Niue (19 volunteers)
  3. 13%; 9%

Would you like access to your country’s RPCV list? Check out the Find the 250K Toolkit for information about getting started or contact our Community Development Fellow [email protected].

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